Dealing with Divorce, Kids and the Holidays

Parents who are divorced or currently going through a divorce face the special burden of trying to figure out how their children will spend their time during the holidays. Doing this requires parents to consider how the holiday would be the most enjoyable for their children. Houston parents currently going through a divorce should make sure to understand their legal rights concerning the time they get to spend with their children before making a holiday plan.

There are many ways parents can split time with their children throughout the holidays. One popular way is to alternate years between parents. While it’s fair, this may have an effect on both parents and children because they may be disappointed about not getting to see certain people on the holiday. One way around this is to split time on the holiday so the children get to spend time with both parents. However, the time can be rushed and this can cause them more.

One alternative idea is celebrating holidays at a time before or after the actual holiday. This is especially useful if one family lives in a different area. If the parents get along, one unconventional way to solve the problem is for the parents to spend part of the holiday together with their children. In some cases it’s possible for both families to get together and celebrate the holiday.

No matter what one family decides is the best way to handle holidays, it’s important to plan the holiday ahead of time. It’s also important for any parents going through a divorce to understand how the law may affect their parenting time with their children.

Source: Huffington Post, “Putting Children First: The Best Gift Divorced Parents Can Give Their Children This Holiday Season,” Randi L. Rubin, Nov. 20, 2012

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